HIV Sibiu Dialogues VI

06-08 June 2024

Dear friends of the HIV Sibiu Dialogues,

Thank you for being part of this 6th edition. As promised, there is a prize for the best oral abstract presentation which is an online participation to the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference in November this year; it goes to Irina Ianache from “Dr. Victor Babes” Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases in Bucharest. Here are some highlights of our meeting.

The Organizing Committee
Live Sponsors podcast RO Cultural Event agenda

Scientific Committee

Ivailo Alexiev

Justyna Kowalska

Mariana Mardarescu

Cristiana Oprea

Oana Sandulescu

Maja Stanojevic

Adrian Streinu-Cercel

Anca Streinu-Cercel

Annemarie Wensing

Mike Youle

Snjezana Zidovec

Organizing Committee

Dragos Florea

Florin Leonte

Dan Otelea

Simona Paraschiv

Raluca Rogobete

Oana Sandulescu

Carmela Stanescu

Anca Streinu-Cercel

Event Logistic Partner

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